Project Youth Center
As a church family, we are always looking forward to the future. We continue to “press on for the mark of the prize of the high calling of God.” (Philippians 3:14)
The future depends on us raising up a new generation of faithful disciples of Christ. Our highest priority is to provide a spiritually rich environment for our children and youth to grow in Christ. They are the future leaders of the church and the nation.
The Project: Youth Center provides a new facility for discipleship, recreation and community for our youth. This brochure lays out the what we build, why we need to build this facility and how we will fund with our love offerings. This facility will give our youth a first class meeting space and provide for recreational activities and programs we want to offer our kids.
We will pay for this project in cash and as soon as we have all the funds on hand we will begin. The architectural plan is already developed and the site planning has started.
Thank you for prayerfully considering what you and your family can contribute financially to turn the new Youth Center dream into a reality.
May God bless you and your family,
Request a physical packet be mailed to you.

Modern facilities for our youth
Enhance worship, fellowship & discipleship programs
Centralize youth & young adult ministries
Provide recreational ministries Home missions project space
Modern facilities for church conferences

10,000 square feet
350 seat worship center
Large gathering space
Meeting rooms
Outdoor courtyard & gathering space
Workout facility
Meeting rooms
Youth and Young Adult offices ATL: City Concern project space
Floor Plan